Sunday, August 30, 2009

In life last impression is the lasting impression

One thing I have learnt that first impressions is highly overrated.
No doubt first impression does matter. It matters in an interview. It matters during presentation. It matters during first appointment to clinch your sales deal.
But these are more of logistics of life.

Things which are really important in life, first impressions hardly matters.
What matters is what you are. So be careful if you are making very good first impression you might have difficulty in living upto him. So make right impression and not good impression. Actually why not start with a not so good impression so that you can bring surprises later.

Ofcourse all these matters only when you want to have a lasting relationship with someone.

Personally I have seen it again and again. I never thought I could go so wrong about people. I met some perfect kind of people. and then imperfections came with time. Thing go wrong when it comes in bulk.

So in short, You can not go with first impression at all. Do not try to make good first impression if you are on other side. Finally all you wants is a happy end. So its end which matters.
For people who are important in life, first impressions do not matter as slowly and slowly you will get to know the person. You might not be able to live upto your own first impression. Thats why make right impression and not good impression.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Being Eunuch!!

Today, while coming from swimming I stopped at a traffic signal and saw few eunuchs begging. Suddenly this made me think what fault of theirs brought them such life.

Eunuchs are not respected. Society does not accept them. I never accepted them. I don't know where they live. I don't know what they do beside begging. Did they attend any school? Does any education institute accept them? These are the questions I always wondered about.

I remember so many times I did not like them troubling us while traveling on Indian railways. I know they are abusive. Actually so many times I felt proud of not surrendering to their bad behavior and whisking them away. Now I am wondering whose behavior was not right. Mine or them. Actually now I am feeling ashamed.

If you are physically handicap, govt supports you, family supports you. Everybody looks at you sympathetically. I wonder how Eunuchs are different. Shouldn't they get same support if not more? God was unfair to them, we can be kind at least. Why can't we accept them? We accept criminals in our society to some extent. We forgive people. We forgive kids of their mistakes. What mistake a eunuch kid made? Is it unforgivable?

Who is responsible for abusive behavior of a Eunuch? Who is responsible for the profession of begging they are into? Who is responsible for their sorry state? Its me. Its us.

With these feelings I put hand in my pocket and took out Rs 5 coin. I saw that eunuch being whisked away by a couple in an auto just in front of me. She started moving away from me probably to avoid any futile attempt before I signaled her and gave him the coin. She put her hand on my helmet and left. I was overwhelmed.