Thursday, May 29, 2008


Every good thing is supposed to start by remembering God. So I thought let me do same here for my blogging. But here is the irony. I am not a strong believer in God.

Does God Exist? Who is God? Is He visible? Has anybody seen Him? Have you seen Him?

These are some of the questions which everybody has answer but its always different. There is no consensus.
Every religion has different answer to it and different meanings. Hindus worship anything and everything.
Muslims have one Allah. Christians have Jesus Christ. Sikhs have Gurus. There are Budhdhas and Mahaveer Jains.

Frankly speaking I do not believe in any of the above. It might offend other people.

Believing in God sometimes weakens you. Its weakening to know that destiny is already written and you don’t have any control over it.
I believe in writing my own destiny. I am in control of my life. I am responsible for where I am today, Good or bad.
I am also responsible for where I will be tomorrow.

Am I sounding like an arrogant person? I guess I am not. Because that’s not the message I am trying to pass.

I also do not care whether you believe me. I do not care whether you believe in God.
But I would like you to know that how do you see God.

There is a very good line in very old Hindi Song.

“ Itni shakti humein de na daata, Mann ka vishwas kamjor hoga“.
( God, Do not give me so much power. My own confidence will go down.)

This is my mantra. Control your destiny. Its in your hand. Be a strong person. Take responsibility. Do not give it to God.

Sometimes things do not go as you want. Sometimes there is no justification of your failure.
Sometimes life is not fair. At those time I do believe this word called LUCK. If there is God, it is Luck.

That is sometimes only because as we all know, “Harder you work, luckier you get”.

Second try - First Post

Hi ,

Finally I am trying to blog again. I remember I had created my blog long time back. I even forgot password so I have to create new one.
I am not a firm believer in cyberworld. Neither I am firm believer in writing blog and reading other’s point of view for hours, especially if you don’t know that person. I am starting this as a diary writing exercise. As a software engineer I hardly get time to write anything beside technical emails. I do not want to loose my creativity. I feel creative writing is a great space and I am very bad at it. Let me give it a shot to improve before I Loose it completely. Lets see how long I can take it. Please wish me all the best.

I hope you have great time here. Do share your blog too, if you have one.